Municipal Court

The City of Vidor Municipal Court is located in the rear of the City Hall Municipal Building on North Hwy 105, (Main Street) in Vidor, Texas.

Official Court proceedings are held at the City Hall Municipal Building in the City Council Chambers / Municipal Courtroom.
PRE-Trial Hearings:
1st & 3rd Tuesday morning of each month at 9:00 a.m.
Jury Trials & Bench Trials:
Set as needed
2nd, 4th, & 5th Tuesday of each Month
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
Mission Statement: 
Our goal is to provide a professional atmosphere and a neutral, fair, and impartial forum for all Class C misdemeanor offenses arising under Texas state statute and city ordinance filed within the jurisdiction of the Vidor Municipal Court.

 The Judge of this Court is appointed by the Vidor City Council to preserve and uphold the United States Constitution, the Texas Constitution, the ordinances of this city, and the laws of this state. 

 The three separate but equal branches of government are the Executive branch (City administrator and all departments including the Police Department), the Legislative branch (The City Council), and the Judicial branch. The Municipal Court and its officers represent the Judicial branch of the City of Vidor government.

 This Court is committed in its role as the Judicial branch of our community’s local government and its officers are dedicated to the principles of impartiality, fairness, integrity, separation of powers, and judicial independence.
Non-Juvenile Non-Warrant Case Info Search
*Begin by typing a last name, the search will be performed automatically
*Click or tap on your result to be taken directly to
If your case does not come up, call the Court office at (409) 769-7452.

Calling the Court office is the most accurate way to find out the details of your case.

This list is updated weekly or bi-weekly, as time allows. Cases are cleared daily. This search function is NOT as accurate as calling the court office.

This search may not display every case you have active in the Court.

Cases designated as a juvenile case will not show up even if you are now an adult.

 If you believe you have a warrant or capias pro fine, please use the warrant search instead.

Closed, Dismissed, or Appealed cases are not searchable.  For proof that your case has been closed or dismissed, you must contact the Court.

If your case shows a zero balance, your case may still be open or in default because you owe other documentation to the Court.

    • Pay the Fine (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Fine/Citation payments):
      • This automatically enters a plea of no contest and waives jury trial. 
      • Will result in a conviction on your driving record.
    • Request a Driving Safety Course if eligible (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Driving Safety Course).
    • Request a Deferred Disposition if eligible (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Deferred Disposition).
    • Proof / Compliance Dismissals if eligible (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Compliance Dismissals).
    • Go to Trial (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Pre-Trial/Trial). 
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    • This is a criminal conviction so the following could happen depending on your circumstances and the nature of the offense:
      • Loss of driver’s license.
      • Surcharges assessed by the Texas Department of Public Safety in addition to any fine / fees paid to the Court.
      • Increased liability insurance costs (or cancellation).
      • Loss of job.
      • Loss of educational opportunities.
      • May affect immigration status.
    • You may want to perform more research or consult an attorney (Court staff cannot assist). 
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    • Follow the instructions under the Driving Safety Course option in the top right of this page to see if you are eligible.
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    • Successfully complete a Driving Safety Course (if eligible).
    • Successfully complete a Deferred Disposition (if eligible).
    • Have a case dismissed by showing appropriate proof of compliance (if eligible).
    • Not guilty verdict at trial. 
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    • You are under 25 years of age, the Judge has placed you on Deferred for a moving violation, and because of your age, State law requires you to complete the course as a condition of your Deferred.
    • The Judge has ordered you to do so as a condition of your Deferred.
    • This requirement will not be waived by discussion with prosecutors. 
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    • No. Taking a driving safety course (defensive driving / DSC) to dismiss the charge is NOT available if you have not requested to take the course by your original appearance date or within twenty (20) days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.
    • Deferred options will still be available to you at that time if you are eligible. 
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    • Follow the instructions under the Deferred Disposition option in the top right of this page to see if you are eligible.
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    • Present to the Court a valid insurance card that reflects coverage for the date and time of the citation.
      • You will sign a sworn affidavit swearing that the proof you are presenting was valid at the time of the stop and is not fraudulent.
      • All insurance proof is verified with the insurance company by Court personnel.
    • If you went out and purchased insurance after the citation was issued, the citation cannot be dismissed; however, you may request deferred disposition which, if successfully completed, will keep the no insurance citation off of your driving record.
    • Convictions for no insurance stay on your driving record permanently.
    • Insurance convictions on your driving record can be used to enhance subsequent no insurance violations resulting in higher penalties.
    • No insurance convictions carry a surcharge through the Texas Department of Public Safety in the amount of $260 to $300 per year every year for three years running. This is in addition to the fine/fees you pay to the Court.
    • Failure to pay surcharge fees to the Texas Department of Public Safety resulting from a no Insurance conviction, will result in the permanent suspension of your driver’s license by DPS until you have complied with the DPS surcharge program.
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    • Follow the instructions under the Compliance Dismissals option in the top right of this page to see if the offense you were cited for is eligible for a compliance dismissal.
      • If you are eligible, any receipts/proof or the affidavit must be presented and the appropriate fee (if applicable) must be paid when the dismissal request is made.
    • If you were cited for driving while license invalid (suspended license), and after receiving your citation you contacted the Texas Department of Public Safety and now hold a valid driver’s license, the citation cannot be dismissed; however, you may request deferred disposition which, if successfully completed, will keep the driving while license invalid citation off of your driving record.
      • Driving while license invalid (DWLI) convictions on your driving record can be used to enhance subsequent DWLI violations resulting in higher penalties. 
      •  An officer can arrest you for DWLI and have your vehicle towed instead of issuing you a citation at his/her discretion.
      • DWLI convictions carry a surcharge through the Texas Department of Public Safety in the amount of $260 to $300 per year every year for three years running. This is in addition to the fine/fees you pay to the Court.
      • Failure to pay surcharge fees to the Texas Department of Public Safety resulting from a DWLI conviction, will result in the permanent suspension of your driver’s license by DPS until you have complied with the DPS surcharge program. 
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    • To find out more information about the Texas Responsibility program, more commonly called the surcharge program, go online to
    • If you do not have access to the internet, the number given on the Texas DPS surcharge contact information page is 1-800-688-6882. They also have another number listed under the indigent information page. This number is 1-866-223-3583.
    • Please note that the Court is not affiliated with the Texas Department of Public Safety or the driver responsibility program. We provide the information as a courtesy only and all questions about the program must be directed to the Texas Department of Public Safety. Court Personnel cannot give legal advice. 
    • For information regarding the driver responsibility program indigency program, go online
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    • A jury trial is before six (6) citizens of the City of Vidor.
      • When you select a trial by jury, the jury will decide whether you are innocent or guilty of the offense you are charged with. They will not set the penalty unless you have filed a motion stating that you wish for the jury to assess the penalty if you are found guilty.
      • Unless you file the motion, the Judge will set the penalty. This type of trial generally takes 2 to 3 hours.
    • A “bench” trial is a trial before the Municipal Judge.
      • There is no jury and the Judge will decide whether you are innocent or guilty of the offense you are charged with.
      • The Judge will also set the penalty if you are found guilty. This type of trial generally takes 30 minutes to 2 hours.
    • For more information on trials see the Pre-Trial/Trial option in the top right of this page. 
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    • No, these cases are fine-only offenses. You are not entitled to a court appointed attorney on a case where the penalty is a fine only.
      • You may hire an attorney to represent you or you may represent yourself. 
    • If you go to trial:
      • You will be prosecuted by an attorney (prosecutor). Municipal courts are Texas trial courts and the prosecutor represents the State and you represent the Defense.
      • You (or your attorney) will be expected to follow the rules of evidence and procedure just like the prosecutors. 
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    • Yes, go to the Court lobby or send a signed letter/fax changing your plea to guilty or no contest.
    • Discuss with the Court how you want to handle your case. Most options are still available to you except:
      • Trial.
      • Taking a driving safety course (defensive driving / DSC) for dismissal.
      • Compliance dismissals.
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    • No, you will never be sentenced to jail due to an inability to pay based on your financial status.  There are payment plan options, community service, and indigent procedures in place to help you discharge the fine/cost you owe to the Court.  You are responsible for keeping the Court abreast of your financial situation, appearing as needed, and providing required paperwork.  
    • If you would like to know more about payment plan, see the payment plan section under the Fine/Citation Payments option in the top right of this page.
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    • If you are arrested on a warrant out of this Court, you will be faxed paperwork while you are in jail to enter a plea. If you enter a plea of guilty or no contest and choose to sit out your fines voluntarily, you will be given credit at a rate of $100.00 per day and released as time served. All cases will be time served concurrently.  
      • If you choose NOT to enter a plea, you will be brought to Court and if you enter a plea of guilty or no contest, you will receive jail credit at a rate of $100.00 per day for the time you spent in jail. All cases will receive concurrent credit.
      • If you enter a plea of Not Guilty, any jail credit you are entitled to will be applied to the fine/cost if you are found guilty.
    • If you are incarcerated in jail on another Court’s violations and wish to receive concurrent jail credit on violations in this Court, you must fax a request form to the Court while you are in jail, NOT after you have been released. This request will be given to the Judge and if approved, a hold will be placed and you will receive jail credit concurrently at a rate of $100.00 per day. Jail credit will start to accrue on the date the request is approved.
    • Requests made to the Court for jail credit after you have been released from jail will only be granted if:
      • This court had an active warrant out for your arrest during the time you were incarcerated in a correctional facility.
      • You must make the request in writing and submit proof of your incarceration from the correctional facility. The proof must contain the dates you were incarcerated. The case you are requesting jail credit on must have had a warrant in this Court that was active during your dates of incarceration. 
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    • Check the bottom of your citation and make sure Vidor Municipal Court is listed in the contact information.
      • If you received a citation, we will ask for the citation number. It is located in the top right hand corner of your citation. If you have been filed on by complaint and did not receive a citation, we will need your name, date of birth, and driver’s license or identification number, if applicable.
    • Call the Court office at (409) 769-7452
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    • No, you will not be arrested on a warrant issued by this Court if you appear to take care of the warrant.
      • You may, however, be arrested at any other time or location.
    • Simply calling the Court or being added to the next available Court docket does NOT recall or place a warrant on hold. 
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    • You need to contact the Court where the citation/violation was filed.
      • Courts are not affiliated in any way. You cannot call the Vidor Municipal Court to inquire about a warrant you have in another Court.
    • For information on warrants issued through the Vidor Municipal Court, you may contact the Court office at (409) 769-7452
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    • Citations issued by a DPS trooper or Orange County deputy inside the city limits of the City of Vidor are typically filed with the Justice of the Peace for Orange County, Precinct 4. You will need to check the Court contact information on your citation to be sure. The telephone number for JP-4 is (409) 769-2284.
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    • Vidor Independent School District Police officers file with both the Vidor Municipal Court and Orange County Justice of the Peace Precinct 4. You will need to check the Court contact information on the bottom of the citation to determine which Court the citation has been filed with and call the number listed. 
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    • In most cases you can pay your citation online or over the telephone. 
    • Go to or call 1-800-444-1187 and be sure you read the information under 'full payments' completely to make sure you are eligible to make your payment. Partial payments cannot be made without prior permission form the Court.
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    • You can check the status of your Texas driver's license online by clicking HERE
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    • You can find information on the State of Texas failure to appear / failure to pay program HERE
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    • You can find information on what type of class to take and a list of Texas approved classes on the Texas DPS website by clicking HERE
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Jury Service:
  • Cases heard by the Vidor Municipal Court are Class C criminal misdemeanor violations that are punishable by a fine only.  
  • Jurors are randomly selected from Orange county tax lists.  If selected, jury service is normally for only one (1) day.  
  • Jury trials are held three (3) to four (4) times per year on average.  
  • Jurors are paid $6.00 per day for jury service, or may choose to donate their pay to one of two charitable organizations. 
Juror Rights and Responsibilities:
Right to Re-Employment:  A private employer may not terminate the employment of a permanent employee because the employee serves as a juror. 
  • An employee whose employment is terminated in violation of this section is entitled to return to the same employment that the employee held when summoned for jury service if the employee, as soon as practical after release from jury service, gives the employer actual notice that the employee intends to return:  (Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Section 122.001).  
  • Terminating an employee for performing jury duty is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and/or a fine not to exceed $200.00 (Civil Practice and Remedies Code, 122.002).
Failure to Answer Juror Summons and Penalties:
 Any person summoned who fails to attend or who fails to remain in attendance until discharged by the Court may be fined an amount not to exceed $100 for contempt (Code of Criminal Procedure, Art. 45.027).  Additionally, a person shall be fined not less than $10.00 or more than $100.00 if the person: 
  • Fails to attend Court in obedience to the notice without reasonable excuse; or
  • Files a false claim of exemption from jury service (Gov. Code Section 62.111).  In addition, any person that knowingly provides false information in a request for exemption to be excused from jury service is subject to a contempt fine of not less than $100.00 or more than $1,000.00 (Gov. Code Section 62.0140).
All Jurors must comply with the Court’s dress code when appearing for Jury service.


To serve as a juror you must meet the following Qualifications:


 You may be excused from jury service if:

1.  Be at least 18 years of age;

2.  Be a citizen / resident of the City of Vidor, Orange County, Texas;

3.  Be qualified under the Constitution and laws to vote in the county in which you are to serve as a juror. (Note: you DO NOT have to be registered to vote to be qualified to vote);

4.  Be of sound mind and good moral character;

5.  Be able to read and to write;

6.  Not have served as a juror for six days during the preceding six (6) months in the County Court or during the preceding six (6) months in the District Court;

7.  Not have been convicted of theft or any felony;

8.  Not be under indictment or other legal accusation of a misdemeanor theft, felony theft or any other felony charge.

1.  You are over 70 years of age;

2.  You have legal custody of a child less than 15 years of age and jury service would require leaving the child unsupervised;

3.  You are a student at a public or private high school;

4.  You are enrolled and attend college;

5.  You are an officer or an employee of the Senate, the House of Representatives, or any department, commission, board, office, or other agency in the legislative branch of Government;

6.  You are the primary caretaker of  a person who is an invalid unable to care for himself or herself (this exemption does not apply to health care workers);

7.  You are a member of the U.S. military forces serving on active duty and deployed to a location away from your home station and out of your country of residence. 


*You are not required to claim an exemption. 

  It is your choice.

To find out if you have an active warrant with the Vidor Municipal Court, you may: 
Search the PDF version of the list or call (409) 769-7452. Calling the Court office is the most accurate way to find out if you have an active warrant.
The warrant list is updated as time allows. Warrants are cleared or served daily so this search function and list are NOT as accurate as calling the court office.

If you were arrested, paid your warrant, or your warrant was cleared for some other reason and your name is still on this list, the system will automatically clear your name once the list is updated. 

A peace officer CANNOT arrest you using only the information from this list.
This list is for information purposes only.  A peace office must have the actual warrant in hand to proceed with an arrest.  
The Court will issue a warrant when:
You fail to appear in person or in writing to make a plea to violations you are charged with in the Court.

You fail to comply with the orders of the Judge. 

You do not complete a payment plan or fail to make timely payments as ordered.
In ADDITION, when a warrant is issued:
You accrue additional fines and fees.

A hold is placed on your Texas driver's license and you will not be able to renew or change information until the hold is removed.

An NRVC suspension is placed on your out of state driver's license.
A scofflaw hold is placed on your vehicle registration and you will not be able to renew your registration.

Your warrant and vehicle information is sent to the Police Department, and

Warrants that go unresolved are placed with a collection agency. This results in collection calls and an INCREASE OF 30% on the amount you already owe. If you have received a call from the collection agency, you may contact them at 1-800-555-5160.
Contact The Collection Company 1-800-555-5160
You WILL NOT be arrested on a warrant(s) issued by this Court if you appear in Court to resolve the warrant.
Resolving a Warrant without going to Jail:
Call the Court office to be added to the next available docket to appear before the Judge.

Enter a plea of no contest or guilty to the violation and pay the warrant in full. Only you or your attorney may enter a plea and pay your violation unless the warrant is a capias profine and a plea has previously been entered.

Enter a plea of not guilty to the violation, post bond on the warrant, and be placed on the Court trial docket. In certain hardship cases, the Judge may waive the bond.

Pay your warrant(s) in full online through the Payment Group at or by calling them at 1-800-444-1187.  Do not subtract the processing fee or tax charged by The Payment Group from the amount you owe the Court.  That fee is in addition to the Court payment.
In some circumstances, the Judge will allow a defendant to set up a payment plan at the window to recall the warrants. 
Call the Court office at (409) 769-7452 for more information.
Call The Court Office (409) 769-7452
Please Note:
 All juveniles, parents, legal guardians, and minors must comply with the court’s dress code when appearing in court. 
JUVENILES:  Individuals age 16 and younger
The municipal court has jurisdiction over juveniles (16 years of age and younger) charged with class C misdemeanor offenses.  
All juveniles are required by state law to appear in open court for all proceedings with a parent or legal guardian. 
Failure to comply with this requirement or failure to complete all terms regarding juvenile charges may result in additional charges against the parent and child. In addition, such failure may result in the juvenile having his/her driver’s license suspended or prevent the juvenile from obtaining a driver’s license from the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Juvenile defendants charged with an alcohol and/or tobacco related offense will be required to complete an alcohol awareness or tobacco awareness course (as applicable) and perform a required number of community service hours.  This is in addition to any fine and/or cost assessed. YOU MAY NOT TAKE THE REQUIRED COURSE ONLINE UNLESS YOU RESIDE IN A COUNTY WITH A POPULATION OF LESS THAN 75,000.
Failure to complete the required conditions will result in suspension of the juvenile’s driver’s license for up to 180 days or prevent the juvenile from obtaining a driver’s license from the Texas Department of Public Safety. 
MINORS:  Individuals age 17 to 20
Minors are treated as adults in the Texas legal system.  However, with alcohol and tobacco related offenses, there are certain conditions that must be completed in addition to payment of the fine and cost pursuant to state law.
Minor defendants charged with an alcohol and/or tobacco related offense will be required to complete an alcohol awareness or tobacco awareness course (as applicable) and perform a required number of community service hours.  This is in addition to any fine and/or cost assessed. YOU MAY NOT TAKE THE REQUIRED COURSE ONLINE UNLESS YOU RESIDE IN A COUNTY WITH A POPULATION OF LESS THAN 75,000.
Failure to complete the required conditions will result in suspension of the minor’s driver’s license for up to 180 days or prevent the minor from obtaining a driver’s license from the Texas Department of Public Safety. 
If you have been arrested for an alcohol or tobacco related offense and have been time served on your fine and cost, you must still appear before the Judge and complete the additional required conditions.
Minor Defendants accused of a violation other than an alcohol or tobacco offense, may handle that violation in the same manner as an adult.

Some cases for specific violations, such as those listed below, MAY be dismissed depending on various legal circumstances under Texas compliance laws.
In some cases, if the violation is corrected, and proof is presented to the Court by the appearance date or within the ten (10) business days following your appearance date, the case can be dismissed with a fee.
Some of the most common violations that may be dismissed, along with the fee amounts, are listed here:


Proof MUST be submitted by:

You MUST submit to the Court:

Dismissal Fee Amt.:

Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility (No Insurance)

At any time, even if an arrest warrant has been issued.

1.  Show proof that you had valid insurance on the date and time of the citation.

2.  Insurance documents will be verified by the Court with the insurance company prior to dismissal.

Note: It is a crime to knowingly file a fraudulent document with the Court.


NO License plate or only 1 license plate on vehicle

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Show proof that registration was current on the date and time of the violation.

2.  Both plates must be on the vehicle when proof is submitted.

3.  Registration must identify the same vehicle as listed on the citation.


Display an altered, unclean, or obscured license plate on vehicle

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Bring pictures of the front and back license plates of the same vehicle listed on the citation that clearly show the license plate is now in compliance with state law. 


Fail to display driver’s license

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Show proof that your driver’s license was valid at the date and time of the citation.


Expired driver’s license

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Show proof that you renewed your driver’s license by your appearance date.


No driver’s license

At any time, even if an arrest warrant has been issued.

1.  Show proof that you had a valid driver’s license on the date and time of the citation.


Fail to change address on driver’s license

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Show proof that you updated your address with the Texas Dept. of Public Safety on or before your appearance date.


Driving while driver’s license invalid (suspended license)

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Show proof from the Texas Dept. of Public Safety that your license was actually valid at the date and time of the citation and your driving privileges had been restored prior to driving the vehicle and receiving the citation.


Defective Equipment

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Provide proof that the defect was corrected.

2.  Proof must identify the same vehicle as listed on the citation.

3.  This dismissal does NOT apply to commercial motor vehicles.


Expired Registration

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Present a receipt from the registration office showing that you have renewed your vehicle registration by your appearance date and

2.  Receipt MUST reflect that you paid the late registration fee penalty.


Operate a vehicle without registration sticker properly displayed

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Present a receipt from the registration office that reflects your registration had been renewed prior to receiving the citation and

2.  Properly attach the registration sticker before your appearance date.


Expired Disabled Parking Placard

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Show proof that you renewed your disabled parking placard on or before your appearance date.



Violate driver’s license restriction or endorsement

Appearance date or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later.

1.  Provide proof that the DL restriction or endorsement was imposed because of a physical condition that was surgically or otherwise medically corrected prior to receiving the citation or in error and

2.  DPS must remove the restriction or endorsement before your appearance date.


  • If the violation on your citation is not listed in the compliance dismissal chart, you may still be eligible to have the citation dismissed under Texas compliance laws.
    • The list is a brief description of the more common violations and may not be worded exactly the same on your citation. 
  • Please call the Court office at (409) 769-7452 if you are unsure as to whether or not your violation qualifies for a dismissal under Texas compliance laws.

Call The Court Office (409)-769-7452
Please Note: Some violations require an affidavit to be filed as proof of compliance. 
These violations are:
  • Defective equipment volations.
  • Altered, unclean, or obscured license plate violations.
  • Operating a vehicle with no license plate or only one (1) license plate on the vehicle.  
Filing for a compliance dismissal in person or by mail:
  • Find your violation in the chart above or call the Court to see if the violation is eligible.
  • Mail, or bring with you to the Court, the required documentation (proof of compliance or affidavit) within the time limit specified in the chart, and
  • Mail, or bring with you to the Court, the required dismissal fee for your offense.  The fee must be paid in full at the time the request and proof is submitted.
Filing for a compliance dismissal by fax or e-mail and paying online or by telephone:
  • Find your violation in the chart above or call the Court to see if the violation is eligible.  Let the Clerk know you would like to pay online or by telephone.
  • Fax or e-mail the required documentation (proof of compliance or affidavit) to the Court within the time limit specified in the chart.
  • It is your responsibility to contact the Court via e-mail or telephone to verify that we have received your paperwork and that your dismissal request has been approved.
  • When paying online via The Payment Group, (compliance dismissals), be sure to enter the correct amount.  Failure to pay the correct fee will result in rejection of the dismissal request. When calling The Payment Group, 1-800-444-1187, to make your payment, it is your responsibility to give the operator the correct payment amount.  DO NOT subtract the processing fee or tax charged by The Payment Group from the amount of your payment to the Court. That fee is in addition to the Court payment.  

  • If you received a citation for parking in a disabled parking space and you are the owner of an EXPIRED disabled parking placard, please locate your offense in the chart above, read the compliance requirements, and follow the directions to file for a compliance dismissal timely if you are eligible.
  • If you received a citation for parking in a disabled parking space and you are the owner of a VALID disabled parking placard that was VALID at the time of the offense, please print out the disabled parking affidavit below and submit the signed, notarized affidavit to the Court along with a copy of your valid disabled parking placard and driver's license if applicable.  After the Court verifies ownership and validity of the placard, the case will be dismissed. 
  • There are other circumstances in which a disabled parking violation may be dismissed.  Please see the disabled parking affidavit below to see if any of the dismissals listed apply to your situation.  If so, please submit the signed, notarized affidavit to the Court along with a copy of the valid disabled parking placard and the placard holder's driver's license if applicable.  

If you have any questions please contact the Court office at (409) 769-7452.

Call The Court Office (409)-769-7452
Deferred Disposition is NOT a right but is a privilege offered at the sole discretion of the Judge.
In limited circumstances, if you are entering a plea of guilty or no contest, you may be eligible for a deferred disposition (probation) of your citation.
To be considered for deferred disposition, you must meet ALL of the eligibility requirements. Failure to meet all eligibility requirements or to fully complete the application process will result in the denial of your request and may result in the entry of a judgment (conviction) against you.
Applying for a deferred disposition of your case does NOT guarantee that deferred disposition will be granted. The Judge reserves the right to adjust the administrative fee on a Deferred sentence, considering such factors as priors, circumstances of the offense, et cetera.

  • You are responsible for following up on your request for deferred disposition and making sure your charges were timely answered. If  deferred disposition is granted and you comply with all the terms of the deferred disposition order, the charge will be dismissed at the  end of the deferral period and no final conviction will be entered against you for that offense. 
  • You DO have to pay the administration fee and Court cost (state fees) on a Deferred.
  • The deferral period can last anywhere from one (1) day up to one hundred and eighty (180) days.
  • Depending on the type of violation, there will be certain terms and conditions associated with your deferred disposition. 
  • Failure to make your payment and meet all the other terms of your deferral as ordered will violate your Deferred Disposition Order.    Violation of the Deferred Order will result in a show cause hearing before the Judge.
Failure to appear for your show cause hearing will result in a conviction on the offense, imposition of a fine, and possibly a capias pro fine for your arrest.
On average, the Judge increases the administrative fee on all NON-school zone violations and code violations that are deferred by fifty ($50.00).  This is for a single violation.  To calculate the amount due for your deferred disposition, first click on the Fine List button below, find your violation, and increase the total amount due by $50.00.  

If you are unsure of how much you will owe, will also owe restitution, or have multiple violations, contact the Court at (409) 769-7452 for more information and to make sure you are eligible.

Call The Court Office (409) 769-7452
If you are asking for deferred on more than one violation, the Judge will determine the amount of the administrative fee on a case by case basis if he grants the request. As stated above, applying for a deferred disposition of your case does NOT guarantee that deferred disposition will be granted.
  • Hold a commercial driver’s license, even if you were driving a non-commercial vehicle
  • Are charged with one of the following sections of the Transportation Code; 
  • Sec. 472.022 – Construction zone when workers are present 

There may be other reasons that you are not eligible for deferred disposition. Each case is unique and must be reviewed prior to granting a deferred disposition. If you send in paperwork and are not eligible, you will be notified by mail, e-mail, or telephone to select another option to handle your case. 
  • As with everything else, Juveniles (under the age of 17) must appear in person with a parent or legal guardian to request deferred.
  • Minors charged with an alcohol or tobacco related offense must appear before the Judge to request deferred disposition.
  • Individuals that were involved in an accident (vehicle crash) and received a citation must appear before the Judge to request deferred disposition.
  • Individuals charged with an offense that occurred in a SCHOOL ZONE must appear before the Judge to ask for deferred disposition.
  • Individuals charged with speeding twenty-five (25) or more MPH over the speed limit or at a speed of ninety (90) MPH or greater  must appear before the Judge to ask for deferred disposition.
  • Individuals charged with passing a school bus or failing to remain stopped for a school bus must appear before the Judge to ask for  deferred disposition.
  • If you have determined that you are eligible and intend to appear in person to request deferred, we will process your deferred paperwork for you and go over the conditions.
  • Be sure to bring your valid driver's license or other official identification, and payment in full unless other arrangements have been made.
  • There may be required terms for certain offenses based on the type of offense, your age, and driver's license status.
  • Requests for Deferred Disposition may now be filed with the Court electronically using your computer or smartphone via this service for a small fee.  You will be able to submit your request and upload or attach pictures or PDF’s of any documents you are required to submit.  Please follow all directions and call the court if you have any questions.  If you do not wish to pay a fee to use this service, you may still print out the Deferred Disposition request form, and return it via mail, fax, or e-mail at no additional cost. 

    Submit Your Deferred Disposition Request Online

  • Call the Court office first to make sure you are eligible for Deferred Disposition.
  • Complete and file with the Court the Deferred Disposition Request Form.

    Download A Copy Of The Deferred Disposition Request Form

  • Be sure to read the instructions for that form! There are required terms for certain offenses based on the type of offense, your age, and driver's license status.  Be sure to check any terms on the Deferred form that apply to you.
  • Mail, fax, or e-mail to the Court, the completed request form and a copy of your driver’s license or other official identification.
  • If you are not able to pay the deferral fee in full, include a payment plan application with your deferred request.

    Download A Copy Of The Payment Plan Application

  • If you do not include a payment plan application with your request, you must mail in payment with the request or pay the amount due by the next business day.  Be sure to call and make sure your request was approved before making a payment.
  • Call the Court to verify we received your paperwork and that everything was in order.
  • DO NOT be convicted another offense during the deferral period.
  • Violation of the Deferred Order will result in a show cause hearing before the Judge. Failure to appear for your show cause hearing will result in a conviction on the offense, imposition of fine, and a capias pro fine for your arrest.
  • Your case will be reviewed and if approved, you will be mailed, emailed, or faxed a copy of your Deferred Order with the required terms and the dates of your deferral period. 
  • If rejected, you will be notified of the reason for the denial and that you must contact the Court for other options.  
When paying online via The Payment Group,, you MUST click EDIT to enter the correct payment  amount due to the Court for your Deferred Disposition.  When calling The Payment Group, 1-800-444-1187 , to make your  payment, it is your responsibility to give the operator the correct payment amount for your Deferred Disposition.  
  • Do NOT subtract the processing fee or tax charged by The Payment Group from the amount of your payment to the Court.  That fee is in addition to the Court payment.
  • Failure to pay the correct amount will result in rejection of your Deferred Disposition request. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Court office at (409) 769-7452.

Call The Court Office (409) 769-7452
Driving Safety Course Eligibility and Requirements:
If you are charged with a traffic offense under Subtitle C of the Texas Transportation Code, you may be eligible to take a driving safety course (defensive driving / DSC) on ONE of the moving violations shown on the citation you were issued. You may not take a driving safety course without first obtaining permission from the Court.   Pursuant to state law, your request must be made on or before the response date on your citation or within 20 days from the date the citation was issued to you, whichever is later. (We allow a ten (10) business day grace period before you are rendered ineligible.)

Please note that you are NOT ELIGIBLE to take a driving safety course for the moving violation if you:
  • Were speeding 25 mph or more above the posted speed limit or at a speed of 95 mph or greater.
  • Do not have a valid Texas driver’s license (exception for active military and/or spouse of active military)
  • Do not have current Texas liability insurance on either yourself and/or the vehicle you were cited in
  • Have requested and completed a driving safety course within the last twelve (12) months
  • Are currently taking the course for another traffic violation
  • Hold a commercial driver’s license, even if you were driving a non-commercial vehicle
  • Are charged with one of the following sections of the Transportation Code;
    • Sec. 472.022 – Construction zone when workers are present
    • Sec. 545.066 – Passing a school bus 
    • Sec. 545.401 – Reckless driving 
    • Sec. 545.421 – Fleeing/Eluding police officers 
    • Sec. 550.022 – Fleeing the scene of an accident 
    • Sec. 550.023 – Failing to stop and give information and/or render aid 
    • Sec. 522.003 – Serious traffic violations
Once you have read the requirements and determined that you are eligible, you may request to take a driving safety course to dismiss your moving violation either in person, by mail, or by fax / e-mail.

You MUST pay the required cost (state fees) in FULL. Payment plans are not allowed.

  • Court cost/Admin fee for non-school zone violations:  $144.00
  • Court cost/Admin fee for violations committed in a school zone:  $169.00
  • Bring with you the court cost (state fees) listed above due for your type of offense, your valid Texas driver’s license or active military ID, and valid proof of financial responsibility (vehicle liability insurance).
  • You will sign your driving safety course affidavit before the Clerk and you will be given a defensive driving packet with instructions on how to go about taking your course and ordering your driving record. 
  • DO NOT sign up for a driving safety course or order your driving record until you have paid your fees and signed your affidavit at the Court.
  • The clerk will inform you of the date that your signed driving safety course completion certificate and certified copy of your driving record (TYPE 3A) from DPS is due back in the Court. That date will be ninety (90) days from the date you requested and signed your driving safety course affidavit. (The Court allows a ten (10) business day grace period to submit these documents to the Court as long as the course was completed timely, on or before the due date.)
  • Failure to return the required certificate and driving record will result in a show cause hearing before the Judge. Failure to appear for your show cause hearing will result in a conviction on the offense, imposition of a fine, and a warrant for your arrest.
  • Mail in the completed signed NOTARIZED form, a copy of your valid Texas driver’s license or active military ID, a copy of your valid proof of financial responsibility (vehicle liability insurance card), and a money order/ cashier’s check for the court cost (state fees) listed above due for your type of offense. 
  • DO NOT sign up for a driving safety course or order your driving record until you have mailed your fees and request form to the Court.  The Judge recommends that you call the Court office to make sure we received your paperwork and everything was in order.  The Court office number is (409) 769-7452.
  • Within ninety (90) days from the date you mailed in your driving safety course request, you MUST return to the Court a valid signed driving safety course completion certificate and a TYPE 3A certified copy of your driving record. (The Court allows a ten (10) business day grace period to submit these documents to the Court as long as the course was completed timely, on or before the due date.)
Failure to return the required certificate and driving record will result in a show cause hearing before the Judge. Failure to appear for your show cause hearing will result in a conviction on the offense, imposition of a fine, and a warrant for your arrest.
  • DO NOT sign up for a driving safety course or order your driving record until have filed your affidavit and paid your fees.  Failure to follow the instructions listed below could render you ineligible to take a driving safety course to dismiss your violation. 
  • Before you can make your payment online or by telephone, you MUST e-mail or fax us the NOTARIZED copy of your driving safety course request form, a copy of your valid Texas driver’s license or active military ID, and a copy of your valid proof of financial responsibility (vehicle liability insurance card). 
  • You MUST call or e-mail us to verify that we have received your paperwork BEFORE paying your fees online or by telephone.  Once you have verified that we have received your paperwork and everything is approved,  then you shall immediately make your payment online or by telephone. 
    • When paying online via The Payment Group at, you MUST click EDIT to enter the correct payment amount due to the Court for your fees (the $114.10 or $139.10). When calling The Payment Group, 1-800-444-1187, to make your payment, it is your responsibility to give the operator the correct payment amount.

      • Do NOT subtract the processing fee or tax charged by The Payment Group from the amount of your payment to the Court. That fee is in addition to the Court payment.
    • Failure to pay the correct amount will result in rejection of your DSC request. 
  • Within ninety (90) days from the date you mailed in your driving safety course request, you MUST return to the Court a valid signed driving safety course completion certificate and a TYPE 3A certified copy of your driving record. (The Court allows a ten (10) business day grace period to submit these documents to the Court as long as the course was completed timely, on or before the due date.) Remember, your due date is in 90 days, not 3 months. Be sure to count out 90 days or call the Court for the due date.
  • Failure to return the required certificate and driving record will result in a show cause hearing before the Judge. Failure to appear for your show cause hearing will result in a conviction on the offense, imposition of a fine, and a warrant for your arrest.

Straight forward payment of your fines without inquiring about ways to keep the citation from reflecting on your driving record is the same as pleading “no contest” and waiving your right to a jury trial. 

You will be found guilty and the conviction will be reported to the Department of Public Safety (if applicable). 
Once reported to the Department of Public Safety, you may or may not incur additional penalties/fees under the State of Texas driver responsibility program (surcharge program).
You may deliver your payment to the Court in four ways:
  • Bring your payment in person. You must be 17 years of age or older and NOT required to appear before the Judge.  If you have not yet entered a plea to the violation, only you or your attorney may enter your plea and pay your violation. When coming in person, we will accept cash, money order, cashier’s check, Visa, Master Card, and Discover Please bring your valid driver's license or other state issued ID with you.

  • Mail in your payment. You must be 17 years of age or older and NOT required to appear before the Judge. If you fall under one of the circumstances in which you cannot appear by mail as defined in the “appearances” tab, you will not be able to pay by mail either. When mailing in your payment, we will accept money order or cashier's check.  Our mailing address is 1330 First Street, Vidor, TX, 77662.
  • A personal check will not be accepted on a case with an active arrest warrant. 
  • We will not mail a receipt back you unless you include a self addressed stamped envelope.  

  • Dropping your payment in the Vidor Municipal Court drop box is the same as mailing in your payment and the same conditions apply.

  • Paying your citation online through The Payment Group at or over the phone at 1-800-444-1187. You MUST be 17 years of age or older and NOT required to appear before the Judge. Do NOT subtract the processing fee or tax charged by The Payment Group from the amount you owe the  Court.  That fee is in addition to the Court payment. 

Please Note:
If you choose to enter a plea of guilty or no contest by mail (fax / e-mail / online), you are declining to request discovery in your case.
Under certain circumstances, the Judge will allow payment plans. You must first contact the Court office at (409) 769-7452 to make sure you qualify for a payment plan. Please read the instructions below.

Call The Court Office (409) 769-7452
Please note:
Compliance dismissal fees and the driving safety course fees you are required to pay to the Court are not eligible for a payment plan. You may be eligible for a 30 day continuance to sign up for and pay your driving safety course fees if requested timely.  Please contact the Court for more information.
  There are two (2) types of payment plans available:
  • Thirty (30) day payment plan.  Entire balance is paid within 30 days of signing your payment agreement.
  • Over thirty (30) day payment plan. Payments can be made on monthly basis. Pursuant to Texas state law, any payment plan that exceeds thirty (30) days is subject to a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) state time payment fee per violation. 
  Applying for a Payment Plan without appearing before the Judge:
  • Call the Court FIRST to make sure you are eligible for a payment plan without appearing before the Judge and to find out your 25% down payment amount. 
  • Bring your valid driver's license or other state issued identification when coming in person and your 25% down payment.  We will provide you with a computer generated payment plan application at the Court office.
  • If you wish to mail, fax, or e-mail in your payment plan request, complete the Payment Plan Application  and mail, e-mail, or fax the application to the court along with a copy of your valid driver's license or other state issued ID.
  • Call the Court office to make sure your application and ID was received and approved. 
  • Go online at or call 1-800-444-1187 to pay your 25% down payment.  
  • Your payment plan will be mailed, e-mailed, or faxed back to you and you will need to return a signed copy to the Court.

Download A Copy Of The Payment Plan Application
  Making your payment:
  • A personal check will NOT be accepted on a case with an active warrant or cases/incidents involving Theft or Issuance of Bad Check.  Do not mail cash. We do not process credit card payments over the telephone at the Court office. You may pay online or by telephone via The Payment Group (see below).
  • We accept money order, personal check, cashier's check, cash, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.  
  • When paying online via The Payment Group,, you MUST click EDIT to enter the correct monthly payment amount.  When calling The Payment Group, 1-800-444-1187, to make your monthly payment, it is your responsibility to give the operator the correct payment amount. 
    • Do NOT subtract the processing fee or tax charged by The Payment Group from the amount of your payment to the Court.  That fee is in addition to the Court payment.

If you are financially unable to pay or set up a payment plan on your violation, and/or would like to discuss community service options, you may appear before the Judge for an indigent hearing. To request an indigent hearing, print out the following application and call the Court office to be placed on the next available docket to see the Judge. Be sure to fill your application out completely and bring all supporting documentation with you to your hearing.

Please note:  Once you are set up on an established payment plan, you may deliver your payments to the Court by one of the four ways listed above or send someone to make them for you. There is a ten (10) business day grace period on all payments. Failure to make your payments timely will result in your case being set for a Show Cause Hearing. Failure to appear for the hearing will result in the issuance of a capias pro fine (cash only) warrant(s) for your arrest and denial and / or suspension of your driver’s license.

You have the right to hire an attorney to represent you.
You do not have the right to a court appointed attorney at the Municipal Court level.
If you choose to represent yourself, the court is not required to give you any special treatment.
The Pre-Trial
When you enter a plea of not guilty, your case will be set on our pre-trial hearing docket.  Pre-trial hearings are held on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesday of every month at 9:00 a.m.

Check in begins at 8:30 a.m. You must be on time and dressed appropriately.

You will be handed a summons with a date and time to appear for your pre-trial hearing.If you mailed, faxed, or e-mailed in your plea of not guilty, you will receive your summons via certified mail. Your appearance at pre-trial is mandatory. If you are unable to appear in person, you have the right to hire an attorney to represent you and appear for you.
The Trial
A trial in Municipal Court is a fair, impartial, and public trial as in any other Court.  Under Texas law, you can be brought to trial only after a sworn complaint is filed against you.  A complaint is the document which alleges what act you are supposed to have committed and that the act is unlawful.  You can be tried only for what is alleged in the complaint.

You must be on time and dressed appropriately.
You have the following rights in Court:
  • The right to inspect the complaint before trial and have it read to you at the trial;
  • The right to have your case tried before a jury unless you have waived that right;**
  • The right to hear all testimony introduced against you;
  • The right to cross-examine any witness who testifies against you;
  • The right to testify in your behalf;
  • The right not to testify. If you choose not to testify, your choice to do so cannot be held against you in determining your innocence or guilt; and
  • You may call witnesses to testify in your behalf at the trial, and have the court issue a subpoena to any witnesses to ensure their appearance at the trial.
If you choose to have the case tried before a jury, you have the right to question jurors about their qualifications to hear your case. If you think that a juror will not be fair, impartial, or unbiased, you may ask the Judge to excuse the juror. The Judge will decide whether or not to grant your request. You are also permitted to strike three members of the jury panel for any reason you choose, except an illegal reason, such as a strike based solely upon a person’s race.
If you need a continuance prior to your pre-trial or trial, you must put the request in writing and submit it to the court with your reasons at least ten (10) calendar days prior to your pre-trial or trial date.
You may request a continuance for the following reasons:
  • A religious holy day where the tenets of your religious organization prohibit members from participating in secular activities such as Court proceedings (you must file an affidavit with the Court stating this information); or
  • That you feel it is necessary for justice in your case.   
Presenting The Case:
As in all criminal trials, the State will present its case first by calling witnesses to testify against you.
After prosecution (State) witnesses have finished testifying, you will have the right to cross-examine them. In other words, you may ask the witnesses questions about their testimony or any other facts relevant to the case. You cannot, however, argue with the witness. Your cross-examination must be in the form of questions only.
You may not give testimony at this time.You will have an opportunity to tell your version of the incident later in the trial.
After the prosecution has presented its case, you may then present your case. You have the right to call any witness who has personal knowledge of the incident. The State does have the right to cross-examine any witness that you call.
If you choose to, you may testify in your own behalf, but as a Defendant, you cannot be compelled by the State to testify. Whether or not to testify is your choice, and your silence cannot be used against you in determining your innocence or guilt. If you do decide to testify, the State does have the right to cross-examine you.
Finally, after all testimony is concluded, both sides can make a closing argument. This is your opportunity to tell the Court why you think that you are not guilty of the offense you are charged with. The State has the right to present the first and last arguments. The closing argument can be based only on the testimony that has already been presented during the trial. No new testimony or evidence can be presented at that time.
Case Decisions:
If the case is tried by the Judge, the Judge’s decision is called a Judgment.
If the case is tried by a jury, the jury’s decision is called a verdict.
In determining the defendant’s guilt or innocence, the Judge or jury can consider only the testimony of the witnesses and any evidence admitted during the trial. If you are found guilty by either the Judge or jury, the penalty will be announced at that time. Unless you plan to appeal your case, you should be prepared to pay the fine at this time.
In certain hardship circumstances, the Judge will discuss payment options.
New Trials:
If you are found guilty, you may make an oral or written motion to the Court for a new trial. This motion must be made within five (5) days after a judgment of guilty has been rendered against you. The Judge may grant a new trial only if the Judge is persuaded that justice was not accomplished in the trial of your case. Only one new trial may be granted per case.
If you are found guilty, and are not satisfied with the judgment of the Court, you have the right to appeal your case. To appeal you must file an appeal bond with the Municipal Court within ten (10) days of the judgment if you appeared in open court.
If you entered a plea of guilty or no contest before your scheduled court appearance date, waived your right to a jury trial, and requested in writing the amount of the fine and appeal bond, you have thirty (30) days from the time you received a notice from the Court sent to you by certified mail to either pay the fine or file an appeal bond.
Please remember, the Municipal Court CANNOT give legal advice of any nature. Court personnel are allowed to explain Court proceedings and procedures regarding misdemeanor cases filed in this Court only.
If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney.
Representing Yourself In Court
It is always best to have a lawyer. The law and court proceedings are complicated, and lawyers have legal training. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and options and help get the best result possible in your case. Sometimes even simple matters can have consequences that you are not aware of or do not understand.

If you are representing yourself in a case, or thinking about doing so, the following links may help you:

Court Dress Code

Court check in begins 30 minutes prior to the session time. Dress code is strictly enforced. Click the following link for Courtroom dress code and decorum (rules).
Defendants that arrive late or are not dressed appropriately will be rescheduled.

pdf Court Dress Code
pdf Courtroom Rules

Legal Advice

The Municipal Court cannot give legal advice of any nature.

Court personnel are allowed to explain Court proceedings and procedures regarding misdemeanor cases filed in this Court only.

 If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney.