Vidor Children's Checkers Club


The time has arrived for us to kick off season #2 of the Vidor Children's Checkers Club!

If this year comes anywhere close to matching last year's excitement and fun, we will be doing well. Last year, the Vidor Children's Checkers Club kicked off its' first year with a bang. We had plenty of members and plenty of fun learning the game of Checkers. 

Checkers is a MENSA game that deals with solving problems, thinking, studying, analyzing, visualizing and competition. Our children advanced each week and we held several tournaments throughout the year and saw their level of play improve dramatically. To top the year off, our Club in Vidor hosted the USA National Children & Youth Checkers Championship. David Austin and Tessa Franks claimed the USA runner-up National Champions trophy. They both also won the Texas State Championship.

This club is for beginners, those with experience and advanced players. Our club has a Facebook site "Vidor Children's Checkers Club". Check it out to find out more information. If you would like for your child to participate, please come for our first meeting on Thursday, September 19 at Vidor Elementary School at 3:30 in Mrs. Waldrop's room. Be there to ask questions and find out for yourself what all the excitement is all about. 

The club is taught by National Ranked and Texas State Champion Watson Franks. We will be training especially to compete in next summer's 2nd Annual USA National Children's Checkers Championship.
for more info, call or text Watson Franks at 409-201-2543


Orange County Damage Assessment



Orange County Emergency Management Officials are continuing recovery efforts and will be out in affected areas over the next several days assessing and documenting damage. These teams will be in Sheriff's Office vehicles or Road and Bridge vehicles.

To assist in assessing and documenting the damage, the teams may be taking photographs and using drones during daylight hours. 

We urge all citizens to continue to self-report their damages and complete the IMELDA DAMAGE SURVEY located on Orange County's website

The objective of this survey is to:
• Assess and identify damages and needs within the community
• Effectively allocate money, materials, and resources
• To pinpoint areas most affected for priority response
• Provide disaster relief organizations with an accurate list of affected homes 

Citizens need to understand this survey:
• Will NOT register you with FEMA
• Does NOT replace your personal insurance claim
• Does not guarantee assistance to your property
• Will be shared with our disaster relief organizations database for relief distribution 

The End of Another Chapter

 Well, my last days as the City Manager of the City of Vidor certainly did not go as I imagined. When I accepted the job of City Manager for the City of Orange, I thought my last few days in Vidor would be more jovial, that I would spend my last few day reminiscing, laughing, thanking people, shaking hands, and hugging my friends. Thanks to Imelda, that did not happen.

Nevertheless, on October 1, 2019, Jill and I start a new chapter in our lives. While I look forward to the new challenges, I want to take a few moments to remember the last few years.
First, my sincere appreciation and thanks to everyone who allowed me to serve in this position since March 2013. It was a great experience. I know I am going to miss a few people, but I will hit some highlights.
Thank you to my wife, Jill, who allowed me to quit my profession of twenty years and start a brand-new career. And we had to move to do it, but our old house flooded twice, too. 

Thanks to Mayors Ken Crawford, Robert Viator, and Kimberly Stiebig, along with the multiple City Council members with whom I have worked. I believe we always tried to do what is best for Vidor. Public service can be a frustrating, thankless calling, but we need good people who are willing to serve. It can be rewarding, too.
A very big "thank you" to the City employees with whom I have worked over the past six plus years. You have always been supportive of me and my ideas. I appreciate the cooperation and quiet guidance you have provided. You are where the rubber meets the road when it comes to serving the citizens. Nothing I have accomplished would have been possible without you. 

The people of Vidor have been wonderful to me as they let me run their city. I sincerely thank you all. You are my family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Through good times and bad, you have given me your support. Both during Harvey and Imelda, you rose to the occasion and showed others the best side of Vidor. I hope we all continue to be as we are in the aftermath of those events: kind, wonderful, selfless, compassionate, and giving.
I look forward to serving the City of Orange, but as I leave, I want you to know I was honored and humbled serving as the City Manager of the City of Vidor. Thank you all.

Go, Pirates, go!

Mike Kunst

Notice Of Community Meeting


A meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at Turning Point Church located at 3600 N Main Street in Vidor. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss drainage and Tropical Storm Imelda. Members of the Orange County Drainage District, as well as members of other public entities, will be present to provide information, and to receive information and concerns from residents. This particular meeting will focus on the western portion of Orange County, including the cities of Vidor, Rose City, and Pine Forest, and all unincorporated areas in the western portion of the County. All persons are invited to attend. However, the Drainage District is also scheduling similar meetings for other portions of Orange County, so that members of the community in other areas affected by Tropical Storm Imelda have an opportunity to participate in a meeting that focuses on their particular area. Please contact the Orange County Drainage District with any questions concerning this meeting at 409-745-3225.

Claiborne Park To Reopen

Claiborne park will be opening next Monday, October 14th.

The phone lines are still down so no one is answering and the recorder is not working.

Please be patient while the park staff works on recovering from Imelda. 
